Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Pocket Power
Last Wednesday I got hired at Club Vortex. Club Vortex is one of Utah's few 18+/21+ night clubs. I will be working as a Bouncer there every Wednesday. Wednesday is their busiest night because it is Ladies' Night (ladies get in free all night long). I will also be working any special events they have. I had talked to Gary, the Head of Security, about getting hired on there back in January, but he didn't hire me. Gary ran Security at Club Shakers, the first night club I worked at 9 years ago. I have been going there almost every Wednesday for the past few months. When fights have broken out, I have helped break them up. I have also been keeping an eye on the waitresses and go-go dancers there, helping them through the crowd and making sure no one bothers them. Grant, the owner of Club Vortex, has noticed this and put me on the payroll last week. So basically I am working directly for Grant. I enjoy protecting people so I am glad that I am working as a Bouncer again.
I've added a link to Jim's blog, Psalm 145:11-12, under Brothers & Sisters in Christ (Christians) in the Blogs section in the sidebar on the right.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Abdul Rahman to be Freed
Last night Phil and I saw Inside Man at the Cinemark 24 at Jordan Landing. I rate it 4 (out of 5) stars. Denzel Washington played his role well as he always does. Some parts were predictable and other parts were kind of vague but it was a good movie. I do wish they had tied up some loose ends at the end of the movie. I'm planning on seeing Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, Brick, Lucky Number Slevin, The Sentinel, and United 93.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Help Save Afghan Christian Convert
"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law. It is an attack on Islam," Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada said.
The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said he offered to drop the charges if Mr. Rahman converted back to Islam, but Rahman refused. "He would have been forgiven if he changed back. But he said he was a Christian and would always remain one. We are Muslims, and becoming a Christian is against our laws. He must get the death penalty," Wasi said.
Please email President Bush and ask him to intervene to save the life of Abdul Rahman.
Help Stop Illegal Internet Porn
Monday, March 20, 2006
Brigham City Outreach
Jim is also the Bikers for Chist Salt Lake City chapter elder. Under LINKS in the sidebar on the right, I have created a new category, Biker Links. In this category I have added links for Bikers for Christ Salt Lake City, Bikers for Christ, Road to Freedom (another Christian biker ministry), B.A.C.A. (Bikers Against Child Abuse), Patriot Guard Riders, Utah Rider Education, and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Logically Impossible
"I the LORD do not change.
"Before the mountains were born
or You brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting You are God."
What is sad is that this simple logical proof, and it is a proof that Mormonism is false, will mean basically nothing to those whose spiritual eyes have been blinded by the god of this world.
"And even if our gospel is veiled,
Friday, March 17, 2006
Never Too Busy
Sammy Franco
I've added a few more links to some of my favorite Christian artists under Christian Music in the LINKS section of the sidebar on the right. I've added links for Third Day, Chris Tomlin, and Jaci Velasquez.
I'm planning on seeing Ultraviolet next week. I also want to see Inside Man, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Brick, and Ice Age 2: The Meltdown.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Censure Feingold
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
How to Relax and Recharge
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Reynosa, Mexico Mission Trip
Teams will travel to Boys Town for dual ministry, both within and without its walls. Inside, small teams will perform random acts of kindness for the girls and other residents. Outside, larger teams will participate in evangelism, drama, construction projects, prayer walking, setting up an impromptu beauty shop, and holding V.B.S. (Vacation Bible School) and soccer clinics for the children. In short, we're going to spread the love of Christ inside and outside Boys Town. You can read about a similar mission trip by clicking here.
There are currently two opportunities for construction projects: First, there is a strong possibility that we may be helping to build a drop-in center/refuge for the women of Boys Town. The drop-in center has been the heart of missionaries there. They want to have a place where these women can come and be shown that they are special. This can be accomplished by giving them a way of leaving the only lifestyle that they have known and showing them a life of love in Jesus Christ. Prayer, mentoring, teaching practical skills, and job training are some of the goals of the drop-in center.
If the land that needs to be bought to build the drop-in center hasn't gone through all its proper channels by the time we go down there, we will have building option # 2. This job is equally as important. We will help the local pastors of the colonia (neighborhood) to raise their church up off its current foundation to avoid all the flooding that has been occurring. We will also be working on improving the living conditions in the colonia by either building homes or fixing the current ones that are there.
I need to raise $750 for the trip and another $300-$400 for the plane ticket to McAllen, TX, which is 4 miles from Reynosa. Please pray about whether God is leading you to support me on this mission trip. In addition to financial support, prayer support would be greatly appreciated. If God is leading you to financially support me on this mission trip, please email me and I will send you a form so you can send your tax-deductible donation to Calvary Chapel. Any extra money raised will be used for the construction projects described above. If you would like to use your frequent flyer miles to purchase my plane ticket, please email me and I will send you the flight information. Thank you and God bless you.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The Map
Monday, March 06, 2006
Furey's List of Required Subjects
In a recent discussion with some friends, I told them about some of the ridiculous drivel that Frank's kindergarten teacher (Frank is Matt's son) has tried to dump his way. And during that discussion I mapped out a list of the truly important subjects that a person, of any age, should study if he wants to succeed in life. As you look at this list of subjects, take note of how many you do or do NOT know. Or better yet, think of the failures you know - and consider how little they know from this list.
Furey's List of Required Subjects to Study for Life-long Success
- Physical Exercise - don't take care of your machine and it falls apart - not intelligent if you ask me (I exercise, but not regularly. I have not been sticking to my Physical Goal for 2006. I need to stick to it.)
- Wrestling or some other form of Martial Arts - not my advice; this comes from Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and so on. (I know some basics, but I want to learn more.)
- Meditation/Deep Breathing - imagine that, learning to relax (Deep Breathing is incorporated into Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning and Combat Abs exercises. If I start doing these exercises regularly, I will benefit from the relaxing aspect of these exercises.)
- Reading - how many people today who can read - ever DO read? (I do read, but it wouldn't hurt to read a little more.)
- Writing - not being able to write a simple letter is pretty sad (You're reading my blog, so I obviously do write.)
- Speaking in Public - should not be biggest fear of mankind - tis easy if you simply get up and do it. (I frequently have to communicate with large groups of people in my Security work. Would like to learn more about this subject.)
- Anatomy/Biology - you oughta know how your machine works (Wouldn't hurt to know more about this subject.)
- Basic Math - especially what I call "money math" (I am very good at math.)
- History - those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it (Not my favorite subject, but I do agree that it is an important subject.)
- Computers - sort of a no-brainer these days (I know a lot about computers and want to learn more.)
- Goal Setting - not taught in schools - but mega important (Definitely something I need to learn more about.)
- Time Management - once again, not taught (Another thing I definitely need to learn more about.)
- Positive Attitude - most teachers need this one (Working on this one.)
- Marketing/Selling - nothing happens in a business until something is sold (I am going to be starting a Promotions business this year.)
- Relationship development - How to get along with others - not a bad idea, eh? (I've made some new friends this year, and have been putting less energy into relationships that are not helping me become a better person.)
Bear in mind that these subjects are the basics. If you want to be a lawyer, doctor, dentist or accountant, you'll need more than the above - but to become a successful human being - these pretty much summarize the necessities.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
PGR Appreciated

Monte Smith, who was one of the Patriot Guard Riders for Staff Sgt. Gourley's Mission Ride, emailed the following message to Craig Larsen (the Utah PGR State Captain) and Craig forwarded it to the rest of the Riders:
As I was the last bike in line, and just before we mounted up for the ride to Ft Williams, I was approached by either Staff Sgt. Gourley's father or uncle who asked me to make sure everyone in the group was told how very much the family appreciated our being there and that, to them, it meant a great deal to have us there. He did this with tears in his eyes. I told him I'd pass the word.
Here is some footage from Channel 2 News about Staff Sgt. Gourley that includes some footage of our escort to Veterans Memorial Park. In the picture above, I am in the back row on the left behind Craig Larsen, who is wearing a black hat. Kelly "Tinman" Crouse, the Northern Utah Ride Captain, is in the maroon hat to the left of Craig.
Last night John and I saw 16 Blocks at the Century 16. I rate it 4 (out of 5) stars. Mos Def (who his been in many movies) played his role well and so did Bruce Willis. Bruce's character was a washed up cop who struggled to kick butt, but came through none the less. This was a deviation from his normal, one man army type of role. I'll probably watch Ultraviolet on Tuesday. The Shaggy Dog and Evil come out on Friday.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Patriot Guard Riders
Yesterday I got an email from the Media Research Center about the Patriot Guard Riders. I have joined this great group. The Patriot Guard Riders are a nationwide group of patriotic riders (mostly bikers) who's main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
- Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
- Shield the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors (this is accomplished through strictly legal and non-violent means).
This morning was the PGR's first Utah Mission Ride. This Mission Ride was to honor Staff Sgt. Gregson Gourley. We met this morning from 9:15-9:45 A.M. near the Union Fort Stake Center in Midvale, UT. Then we went to the stake center and lined up in front. I don't have a bike so I parked my car down the street and stood out front with the other PGR members. The viewing was at 10:00 and the funeral was at 11:00. After the funeral we helped the Midvale Police Department escort the hearse and the hero's family to the interment at Veterans Memorial Park in Riverton. The Midvale Police department led the escort and we followed. There was 32 riders in all - 30 on bikes followed by Craig Larsen (the PGR Utah State Captain; he is also involved with the Southeast Utah Chapter of B.A.C.A.) in his Tahoe and me in my Ford Taurus. At the interment I held up an American flag and stood with the other riders to show our support.
There were no protestors at the stake center or at Veterans Memorial Park. Hopefully there will not be another PGR Mission Ride in Utah, but if there is I will be there. For more information about the Patriot Guard Riders, please visit their website.
By the way, I've changed the name of this blog from Drew's Life to Guardian Spirit so my RSS feed address has changed. Please go here to reset your RSS link to my blog.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Clay Soldiers
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life;