2Slick's mom referred him to The Straight Scoop by Charlie Daniels. Charlie Daniels did three shows for the troops at Guntanamo Bay, Cuba Naval Air Station back in 2002. While there, he saw Camp X-Ray, where the Taliban detainees are being held. The Straight Scoop is his take on the situation over there. You should go read it now.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast.
It is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
But rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trust,
Always hopes, always perserveres.
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast.
It is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
But rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trust,
Always hopes, always perserveres.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Support Our Troops - Donate to the U.S.O.
Last night I was watching The O'Reily Factor and they had a segment about the U.S.O. (United Service Orginization). This organization provides entertainment and other services for our troops around the world. This year they sent 50 Cent & G-Unit to perform for our soldiers at Camp Anaconda in Balad, Iraq. They also sent James Gandolfini and Tony Sirico of The Sopranos to our soldiers in Kuwait & Iraq. These visits by entertainers help cheer up our troops! You can help the U.S.O. by donating today.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
The True Meaning of Christmas
The True Meaning of Christmas
by Brian K. Walters
In todays day and time,
it's easy to lose sight,
of the true meaning of Christmas
and one special night.
When we go shopping,
We say "How much will it cost?"
Then the true meaning of Christmas,
Somehow becomes lost.
Amidst the tinsel, glitter
And ribbons of gold,
We forget about the child,
born on a night so cold.
The children look for Santa
In his big, red sleigh
Never thinking of the baby
Whose bed was made of hay.
In reality when we look into the night sky,
We don't see a sleigh
But a star, burning bright and high.
A faithful reminder,
Of that night so long ago,
And of the child we call Jesus,
Whose love, the world would know
by Brian K. Walters
In todays day and time,
it's easy to lose sight,
of the true meaning of Christmas
and one special night.
When we go shopping,
We say "How much will it cost?"
Then the true meaning of Christmas,
Somehow becomes lost.
Amidst the tinsel, glitter
And ribbons of gold,
We forget about the child,
born on a night so cold.
The children look for Santa
In his big, red sleigh
Never thinking of the baby
Whose bed was made of hay.
In reality when we look into the night sky,
We don't see a sleigh
But a star, burning bright and high.
A faithful reminder,
Of that night so long ago,
And of the child we call Jesus,
Whose love, the world would know
Campus Crusade for Christ's Rapid Deployment Kits
Campus Crusade for Christ's Military Ministry is sending Rapid Deployment Kits to our soldiers in Iraq. Each Kit contains a camouflage New Testament, a How to Know God Personally booklet, and a 90-day daily devotional, all packaged in a waterproof bag small enough to be put into a soldier's pocket.Each Kit costs just $2.50. They are needed both for soldiers waiting for deployment orders and for troops stationed overseas, especially in the war zone. Because of Campus Crusade for Christ's long-standing relationship with military chaplains, shipping and distributing them to the troops, even in sensitive areas, is possible. Please prayerfully consider what you could do to get the message of Christ into the hands of our men and women in uniform as they face the most difficult of circumstances, and give as the Lord leads. Give to this great cause today by clicking here!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Fate & Dissaster with the Alkaholiks @ Shaggy's Velvet Room
Fate & Dissaster will be performing with the Alkaholiks @ Shaggy's Velvet Room tonight. Doors open at 8 P.M. The show starts at 9 P.M. Fate & Dissaster will be going on stage at 10 P.M. Tickets are $20 at the door. Don't miss one of the last Hip Hop shows of the year!
"Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell" by David Michaels
Last night I finished reading Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell by David Michaels
. I like the video game (I beat it on the X-Box). I give the book a rating of 3.5 Stars (out of 5 Stars). It doesn't compare to the Rogue Warrior series, but it's good for a book based on a video game. I have three other books that I need to finish reading. I'll let you know what I think of them when I finish them.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Monday, December 20, 2004
"Iraqi Children - Why It's Worth It"
2Slick referred me to Michael's blog where I found his war journal entry titled "Iraqi Children - Why It's Worth It". It was very touching. You should go read it now. I really appreciate Michael and all of the other soldiers fighting terrorism and oppresion in Iraq and other places all around the world. I'll be writing (typing) my first letter to my adopted soldier today and sending it out tomorrow. All of you should go to the Soldiers' Angels website and adopt a soldier today!
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I Am a Soldier's Angel
Last week I went to the Soldiers' Angels website and adopted a soldier. Within 24 hours I recieved an email from them with the name and address of the soldier that I adopted. The next day I recieved an email from my mentor. My mentor is someone who will answer any questions I have about supporting my soldier. I will be sending my soldier a letter every week and a care package twice each month. My mentor told me that the United States Postal Service is offering free shipping supplies to friends and families of military members who are deployed overseas. To get the shipping supplies I just call 1-800-610-8734, press 1 for English, and then press 0 to talk to an operator. Once the operator is on the line, just ask for the "Military Pack". The Military Pack includes:
- 5 12"x12"x8" boxes
- 5 7"x7"x6" boxes
- 1 roll of Priority Mail tape
- 10 labels
- 15 Customs forms
- 15 envelopes for Customs forms
- 15 Tyvek envelopes
Friday, December 17, 2004
The Heart of an American
2Slick suggested that I go read BlackFive's post about the heart of an American in a little girl in Iraq. This story almost made me cry. You really need to go read this post NOW!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Fate & Dissaster @ Red Cross's "Reach Out Utah" Blood Drive
Fate & Dissaster will be performing at the Red Cross's "Reach Out Utah" Blood Drive sponsored by KSTU/Fox 13. This free, all-ages performance will be at the Red Cross Blood Services Building (6616 S 900 E in Murray, UT) from 9-11 A.M. on Wednesday, December 15th. People 17 and up can donate blood from 6A.M.-6 P.M. Come give the gift of life for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Spirit of America
Spirit of America helps Americans serving in Iraq and Afghanistan assist people in need. They fulfill requests from American personnel for goods that improve the lives of local people and thus help advance freedom and peace.
Spirit of America has provided school and medical supplies, sewing machines, hand tools, water barrels, clothing, soccer gear, and toys in response to needs identified by American personnel. They contributed equipment to Iraqi-owned television stations to establish a better alternative to Al Jazeera. Spirit of America has also helped Iraqi men whose arms were amputated by Saddam Hussein get a new start on life.
Through Spirit of America you can make a difference in the world’s most troubled regions. You can make a donation today to improve the lives of people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spirit of America has provided school and medical supplies, sewing machines, hand tools, water barrels, clothing, soccer gear, and toys in response to needs identified by American personnel. They contributed equipment to Iraqi-owned television stations to establish a better alternative to Al Jazeera. Spirit of America has also helped Iraqi men whose arms were amputated by Saddam Hussein get a new start on life.
Through Spirit of America you can make a difference in the world’s most troubled regions. You can make a donation today to improve the lives of people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Friday, December 03, 2004
USAID Assists Iraqis in Reconstructing Their Country
In addition to removing Saddam Hussein from power and protecting the Iraquis from the insurgents, the U.S. has also helped the Iraquis in reconstructing their country. USAID assists Iraqis in reconstructing their country by working with Iraq's interim government. USAID programs are implemented in coordination with the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Coalition country partners, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and private sector partners. The USAID Mission in Iraq carries out programs in education, health care, food security, infrastructure reconstruction, airport and seaport management, economic growth, community development, local governance, and transition initiatives.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Fate & Dissaster Performing at Toys for Tots Fundraiser
This Friday, Dec. 3rd, Fate & Dissaster will be performing at Murray Theater (4961 S. State St., Murray, UT) for the Toys for Tots fundraiser there. The show starts at 8:30. Come help make Christmas better for kids!
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