After Phil did me the favor of firing me, I started looking for another job. While I was unemployed, I participated in two Patriot Guard Rider Missions, one for Cpl. Adam A. Galvez and the other for PFC Daniel G. Dolan. After job hunting for two weeks, I got hired at Convergys to do Customer Service for DirecTV. They wanted me to start on Tuesday, September 5th but my brother, Peter, who lives in Buffalo, NY, was getting married on Sunday, September 10th so they hired me to start training on Tuesday, September 12th.
My Uncle George used his frequent flyer miles to get me a ticket to Buffalo for Peter's wedding (thanx, George!). I flew out on Saturday, September 9th at 10:05 A.M. I arrived in Buffalo at 7:06 P.M. My mom, stepdad (Spencer), and Peter picked me up from the airport. Then we went back to Peter's house and I met his fiance (Joanna), daughter (Valerie), in-laws, and friends. I hadn't seen Peter, my mom, or my stepdad in 6 years so it was good seeing them. My mom got me some lasagna, took some pictures, and then left. I hung out with Peter and his friends outside around a fire and drank some beer from a keg (kegs are illegal in Utah). I don't drink very often and I've only been wasted twice in my life. Around midnight Joanna wanted us to clean up and head out. Peter was staying at the Holiday Inn with his friend, Arin and he got me a room there too.
Sunday morning Peter, Arin, and I met some of Peter's friends at a bar down the street from the hotel to watch the Buffalo Bills game. Peter has some cool freinds. After the game we went back to the hotel and got ready for the wedding. We took a limo over to the wedding. When we got there my cousin Michelle, Aunt Beverly (Uncle George's wife), dad, grandma (my dad's mom), Uncle Peter, Aunt Diane, and my cousin Jason were there. I saw my dad a couple of months ago when I went to Florida for surgery. I saw my Aunt Beverly earlier this year when she came to Utah to ski. I hadn't seen my grandma in 6 years. I hadn't seen my cousin, Michelle in 7 years. Michelle is my favorite relative. I hadn't seen my Uncle Peter, Aunt Diane, and Jason since our last family reunion 13 years ago. It was good seeing them all again.
I was one of the groomsmen in the wedding. My brother rented me a tux and I looked sharp. After the wedding ceremony, the photographer took pictures of everyone in the wedding party including Valerie who was the Flower Girl. After that we had the wedding reception. The best man, Greg did a toast and Spencer said a prayer. After the wedding reception a folk band played and we danced and drank. There weren't any single ladies there to dance with but I still had fun. After the wedding Peter, Arin, a few of Peter's friends that were staying at the Holiday Inn, and I took the limo back to the hotel. Peter gave me some cash because he knew I was struggling financially. I felt bad because I couldn't afford to get them a wedding gift and he was giving me money on his wedding night but I was very grateful. Monday morning Arin gave me a ride to the airport. It was good seeing my brother get married, seeing my family, and meeting all of Peter's cool friends. He is really blessed to have such good friends.
I flew back home on Monday. Tuesday I started training at Convergys. My brother sent me some more money through PayPal that same Tuesday and then again a few weeks later for my birthday, September 26th (my 31st). My brother is awesome!! There was three weeks of classroom training and 1 week of "nesting" (on-the-job training) which I just finished last week. My regular schedule, which started on Monday, is 5 P.M. til 3:30 A.M. with a half hour lunch (4 10's). My days off are Sunday (so I can go to church), Tuesday, and Wednesday.
On Saturday I went to the new Club Vortex, which is located at 220 W 1300 S in Salt Lake City. Gary, who was the Head of Security at the old Vortex, has opened up the new Club Vortex as an 18+ dance club (I didn't know it was only 18+ until I went there). The new Club Vortex is a no-drinking and no-smoking club. While I was there Gary asked me if I wanted to work there. I start tonight.
I didn't go to church for about 6 weeks. I went two weeks ago and this past Sunday. I plan on going regularly again and continuing to volunteer at the Information Desk. I recently finished reading a book that Ryan gave me called One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven by Mark Cahill. It's a really good book about witnessing. Now I am reading The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee. It is the best "self-help" book I've ever read. It teaches you how to see yourself through God's eyes instead of teaching the humanistic method taught in books like Psycho-Cybernetics. I highly recommend it for every person, Christian or non-Christian.
In the past month I've seen The Protector (a.k.a. Tom-Yung-Goong) starring Tony Jaa (4 Stars) and The Illusionist (4.5 Stars). I've also seen Mean Machine (a remake of The Longest Yard) starring Vinnie Jones (4 Stars) and District B-13, starring Cyril Raffaelli and David Belle (4.5 Stars) on DVD. I'm planning on seeing Jet Li's Fearless this weekend.